SymbolEditor  1.3.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCAddCharacterCommandAdd a fonted character as a symbol
oCChangeCapStyleCommandChange the pen cap style command
oCChangeFilledCommandChange the fill state command class
oCChangeFillRuleCommandChange the fill rule command class
oCChangeJoinStyleCommandChange the pen join style command
oCCubicToCommandCubic to command class
oCDecreaseLineWidthCommandDecrease the line width of the path
oCDeleteSymbolCommandDelete a symbol from the library command
oCDragAndDropCommandAdd new symbols dragged from another instance of the SymbolEditor
oCEditorManages the editor window allowing user interaction with the various tools
oCEditorConfigPageImplement configuration of the editor
oCEllipseCommandEllipse command class
oCFailedReadLibraryFailed to read the library exception class
oCFailedWriteLibraryFailed to write the library exception class
oCFlipHorizontalCommandFlip horizontal command class
oCFlipVerticalCommandFlip vertical command class
oCImportLibraryCommandImport library command class
oCIncreaseLineWidthCommandIncrease the line width of the path
oCInvalidFileInvalid file exception class
oCInvalidFileVersionInvalid file version exception class
oCInvalidSymbolVersionFound an invalid symbol version
oCLineToCommandLine to command class
oCMainWindowManages the main window of the application
oCMovePointCommandMove point command class
oCMoveToCommandMove to command class
oCRectangleCommandRectangle command class
oCRotateLeftCommandRotate left command class
oCRotateRightCommandRotate right command class
oCScalePreferredCommandScale to preferred size class
oCSymbolDefines the Symbol class encapsulating the QPainterPath with how it is drawn
oCSymbolLibraryManages the library of symbols
oCSymbolListWidgetAn extension to the KListWidget to view and select Symbols
\CUpdateSymbolCommandUpdate symbol command class;